NDSU is rolling out the welcome mat for incoming and returning students. Welcome Week activities are scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 22, through Wednesday, Sept. 2.
COVIOD-19 has altered the looks of things somewhat this year, but the university wants students to be valued participants in campus life.
“Welcome Week 2020 has been intentionally designed to help students build community, make connections and find a sense of belonging on campus,” said Alyssa Teubner, assistant director of New Student Programs. “We ask upper-class students to be helpful and welcoming to incoming students, as they were not able to come to campus physically for orientation and may need help navigating places and spaces.”
The pandemic has forced a few changes for Welcome Week.
“Our purpose and goals remain the same. We have carefully considered how to follow state guidelines, while also creating engaging and thoughtful opportunities. For example, may of our in-person events now have virtual connection options,” Teubner said. “We have reduced the number of attendees to follow state guidelines, there will be social distancing measures in place and students will be required to wear face coverings at all events, in accordance with university policy.”
The current schedule for activities is:
Monday, Aug. 24
- Academic department meetings
- Welcome to the Academy
- Welcome Week group meetings
- Evening socials
Tuesday, Aug. 25
- Students of Color social
- First day of school photos
- Meet the Career and Advising Center
- RHA Laugh Night
Wednesday, Aug. 26
- Greek Grill Out
- Tie dye event
Thursday, Aug. 27
- Making Mems
- Fireworks
Friday, Aug. 28
- Fargo coffee shop crawl
- Get to know NDSU’s farm animals
- Pictures with the Pres – photo hunt
- Wellness in Motion
Saturday, Aug. 29
- Fargo coffee shop crawl
- Red River Market
- Canvas paint night
Sunday, Aug. 30
- Fargo coffee shop crawl
- Self-Care Sunday
Wednesday, Sept. 2
- Student Involvement Expo
“While Welcome Week looks different this year, our intentions have never changed – we want all students to develop a sense of belonging, no matter their current level of comfort with face-to-face communication,” Teubner said. “There are many opportunities to form community, both virtually and in-person and we encourage all students to take the initiative to engage as they begin their NDSU experience.”
Each student will have a customized Welcome Week group schedule and a full list of events that they can find at myNDSU.